Legal and Regulatory

Registered Office

Here is our registered office:

TTP plc
TTP Campus
Cambridge Road

+44 1763 262626

Registered number: 3304950

Country of registration: England & Wales

VAT number: 636 9859 76

Modern Slavery Act

TTP Group Ltd is the parent of a group of technology and product development companies. Almost all of our staff are based in the UK and are engaged in consultancy, technology innovation and design, and manufacturing. Our principal supply chains comprise suppliers of scientific and engineering products, suppliers of office products, sub-contractors for design services, and providers of support services. In the board’s opinion the risk of modern day slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains is low. No specific steps have been taken in the year to ensure that no slavery or human trafficking has taken place in any supply chain or in any part of the business.

This statement is made by TTP Group Ltd on behalf of itself and TTP plc pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Simon Day
Financial Director
TTP Group Ltd
December 2024

Gender Pay Gap

This document provides an overview of TTP's gender pay gap and our ongoing commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. Access the Gender Pay Gap.