
Mayflower second award success

“Internet of Things” (IoT) innovators Mayflower and The Technology Partnership (TTP) have continued their winning streak with a second award for best application of IoT.


Mayflower second award success

IDTechEx gave the 2014 US and 2015 European awards to Mayflower, part of SSE Enterprise Contracting, and its technical advisor TTP, for the UK deployment of a Zigbee wireless mesh network-based street light central management system (CMS). There are currently 230,000 Mayflower nodes deployed to manage street lights, illuminated bollards and signs in the UK and Ireland.

The biggest installation in Hampshire has more than 125,000 Mayflower nodes and patented S6000 sockets fitted, with a further 20,000 to be installed over the next 12 months, making it the largest single operational street-lighting CMS in the world. This has allowed Hampshire County Council to reduce CO2 emissions by around 4,000 tonnes, equivalent to 1,600 cars every year.

Patrick Mitchell, Head of Mayflower, commented: “The Mayflower team, in-conjunction with our development partner TTP, continues to deliver tangible and relevant solutions for the lighting industry. Further applications to collect additional data useful to city managers are under development which further demonstrates our ambition to become a major contributor in the Smart City space”

TTP Project Manager Richard Sims said: “We are delighted to have received these two successive awards as it cements a fantastic partnership with Mayflower, and recognises the real commercial potential of the Internet of Things.”

Dr Harry Zervos, Principal Analyst for IDTechEx, said: “IDTechEx wishes to congratulate Mayflower and TTP for yet another award that recognises the significance of the Mayflower/TTP collaboration in developing and deploying the largest street lighting central management system in the world. It's applications like this one that demonstrate that the Internet of Things is real, and that it is becoming part of the fabric of everyday life.” 

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