TTP’s CGM (continuous glucose monitor) test system can speed up development by providing fluidic automation, sensor output measurement, and data management, while maintaining flexibility and allowing rapid customisation where needed.
The system allows high throughput, automated testing for extended periods of time, but this in turn generates huge quantities of data. Each sensor in a test batch can generate multiple readings per second, for days, weeks or even months, resulting in many millions of data points.
We store time-series data synchronised with fluidic and temperature logs.
Automated uploads to a cloud-hosted database – while the test is still running – allow real-time monitoring and analysis, and minimise the risk of data loss.

MongoDB database
We use a cloud-hosted MongoDB database, allowing close external collaboration in the development phase, followed by transfer to our clients when they are ready. MongoDB’s flexible NoSQL architecture is ideal for agile developments with evolving requirements, and time-series “collections” allow efficient storage and retrieval of large datasets. However meticulously recorded, sensor outputs are useless without critical related data, such as sensor IDs (linked to design and build records), test fluids (with composition and batch IDs), test protocols, and test rig configuration.
We developed a database that links all these, providing secure and accessible test records.
We use standard test protocols as far as possible, to make tests repeatable and to allow standard automated analyses to be run.
This approach greatly enhances the consistency and quality of the data.
Glucose step calibration
In a typical example, glucose step calibration sequences are run at regular intervals throughout the test period, generating data to assess:
- sensor performance over lifetime,
- variability of sensors within a batch, and
- comparison of alternative design options.
We found that cloud-based database storage accelerates development by enabling powerful query and analysis functions and effective remote collaboration.
Ultimately, it provides a secure repository for the data that supports your regulatory approvals for continuous glucose monitoring device development.
Download the white paper
To find out how our system can accelerate the development of your CGM, download the white paper. Download white paper