Soon-to-be-launched LEO satellite mega-constellations are set to transform global communication. TTP's antenna technology can make the high-speed broadband and IoT connectivity services to be delivered by LEO satellites accessible via low-cost user terminals.
Satellite communication is poised to be transformed by services delivered by Low Earth Orbit (LEO) mega-constellations, which promise to deliver truly global high-speed broadband and IoT connectivity.
To accelerate the adoption of these services by commercial users as well as consumers, TTP is developing an electronically steerable antenna that meets the requirements of LEO satellite constellations.
By making satcom terminals more affordable, TTP’s antenna technology (patent pending) can open new business streams for satellite network operators and terminal manufacturers.
Unlike geostationary (GEO) satellites, LEO satellites need to be constantly tracked across the sky by the user terminal’s antenna. To be able to tap latent demand in unconnected parts of the world this functionality must be achieved at low cost.
Electronically steerable antennas lend themselves to this application. But so far, none of the proposed technologies have achieved cost and performance levels that could catalyse the transformation of the global communications landscape promised by LEO satellite constellations.